Take Time for Ten Things
1 - Take Time to Read.
        It is the Foundation of Knowledge.
2 - Take Time to Think,
        It is the Source of Power.
3 - Take Time to Worship,
        It is the Highway of Reverence,
        and Washes the dust of earth from your eyes.
4 - Take Time to Play,
        It is the Spirit of Youth.
5 - Take Time to Work,
        It is the Price of Success.
6 - Take Time to Help,
   And Enjoy Friends,
        It is the Source of Happiness.
7 - Take Time to Love,
        It is the Sacrament of Life.
8 - Take Time to Dream,
        It Hitches the Soul to the Stars.
9 - Take Time to Laugh,
        It is the Singing that Helps with Life's Load.
10 - Take Time to Plan,
        It is the Secret of Being Able to have time for the First Nine Things.

Health is Wealth